toggle means: it has two states, which can be toggled between the two states


This is a brief
these are detail with many many lines
these are detail with many many lines
these are detail with many many lines
these are detail with many many lines
these are detail with many many lines
these are detail with many many lines
these are detail with many many lines
these are detail with many many lines
these are detail with many many lines
these are detail with many many lines
Click me to see brief only
No documentation yet

Authors:Zhicheng Wang

<div #more="uiToggle" [uiToggle]="true">
  <div i18n>This is a brief</div>
  <a *ngIf="more.isOff" (click)="" href i18n uiPreventDefault>Click me to see more...</a>
  <div *ngIf="more.isOn" class="alert alert-success">
    <div *ngFor="let i of 10|times" i18n>these are detail with many many lines</div>

    <a (click)="more.close()" href i18n uiPreventDefault>Click me to see brief only</a>